Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Best Tattoo Designs On Side Body Woman
When we talk about feminine tattoos, we cannot miss vine tattoos along with other feminine designs like flower, butterfly, star and heart tattoos for women. Though they hurt, people like to get tattooed on various parts of the body, any part of the body that is convenient for them, actually. There is huge rage for side tattoos these days. They are trendy and an innovative form of body art, despite the pain and the irritation. Well, vine tattoo on side is formed of course on the side torso of the body and can be a source of envy for many. Read on vine tattoos for women.
Vine Tattoos
Vine tattoos are one of the most versatile of all the tattoo designs. They are elegant and available in various shapes, sizes and colors. Vine tattoos differ as per the tattoo cultures, meaning, there are different types of vine tattoos if we compare various symbols like Roman mythological symbols, tribal tattoos or Celtic symbols. There are various types of vines and the vines that are combined with other tattoo design ideas like hearts, stars, flowers, butterfly, cross and almost any tattoo design. This is one of the reasons why vine tattoos are so popular these days. They can gel with any design and can suit on any part of the body. Read on vine tattoo ideas.
One of the most popular vine tattoo designs is the grapevine. They are popular from ages, since the Roman era. Grapevines are supposedly the symbol of luck, strength and immortality. Let aside the historic significance, vine tattoos are really hep when placed on any part of the body. Wrist tattoos, ankle tattoos, arm tattoos, vine tattoos make the best feminine tattoo designs for all these and other places. Due to the same versatility people consider vine tattoo on side of their torso. Read on vine tattoos on foot.
Tattoo Designs for Girls
I am assuming you want to avoid people laughing at your tattoo right? You have already taken the first step by being here at this site. There is no better way to get a custom design then to look on the internet because you will have the whole world giving you advice!
However, I will warn you that you have to be careful. You will find plenty of sites that have a gallery of tattoos. But most of these free sites only offer 50-100 tattoos to look at and all the free sites seem to show the same types of tattoos. This is bad news for us because think about how many people search the internet for tattoo designs? It has to be a ton of people. I am sure the majority of them chose a design from the site you are looking at.
Another problem is the fact that some sites charge you way to much money. We highly recommend you stay away from the sites that are going to make you pay over 50 dollars to view the whole gallery. Actually, there are plenty of sites you can join that are under forty dollars.
It is crucial that you get a tattoo that has a lot of meaning to you. Although getting a cool tattoo is what we are wanting to do, you will enjoy the tattoo much better if you get one that has a lot of meaning behind it.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Tattoos and Tattoo Artists
Tattoos hurt a lot and it is a fact. You can ask any tattooed person and they will tell you. Tattoos do hurt and they hurt quite a bit. It is like getting pricked into your skin. It does bleed and it is very normal that it does so; do not get frightened. Some people look at the blood and get freaked out. If you are the kinds who do then I would not recommend you to get a tattoo. There are people to whom the pain is a great feeling. Some people really like the feeling and I do not blame them it gives a feeling of freedom or purity and honesty.
Like Johnny Cash says "I focus on the pain the only thing that's real". Tattooing is an art to some it is a just something nice looking. There are different kinds of artists some of them are extremely amazing. They are all trained professionals or then have been into the field for quite a while. The Miami ink is a very famous soap opera which talks about the different tattoo artists and I believe they are amazing. Have seen some of their work and it is amazing.
There is another soap called L.A ink and that is amazing. It is one of my favorite. There is a tattoo artist Kat Von D who is my favorite artist and I hope to get a tattoo from her some day. She is a specialist at portraits and it is a dream of mine to get a tattoo from her. There are number of tattoo artists in Los Angeles. They make a very good amount of money. They are content with what they are doing. It is a passion for them. They are artists as well. They want to share some art.
I would definitely support them. Tattoo artists are few but an excellent tattoo artist are very difficult to find. It is very important to take precautionary measures while you get a tattoo done. First of all you need to care about the needle the artist is using. It could cause you your life or some disease. It is very dangerous so it is always better that you know the tattoo artist and they should be trained professionals. This will definitely save you of a lot of troubles. There are ways that you minimize the pain.
Make sure your not drunk or on any drugs as that thins out the blood causing more bleeding. Choose the right tattoo artist this is very important. It is because you need to be comfortable. If you are not then it will take more time which is more pain. Listen to music it definitely distracts you from thinking about the pain. If you are in too much pain then you must let the tattoo artist know as he could then probably give you more breaks or call you some other day. It is always better to do it in more number of sittings as it definitely divides the pain.
Tattoo Meanings: Animals
Before you make a decision to get a certain animal tattooed on your body, you might want to know what specific animals symbolize. Tattoos are permanent, and jumping in with your eyes closed might well be something you live to regret, so take a few minutes to read up on what these animal tattoos really mean. Before you decide on any tattoo, make sure it’s not an inaccurate representation of your personality.
One of the most popular animal tattoos is the tiger. Although the lion if often assumed to be the king of the jungle, many experts believe that, due to its great agility, a tiger would actually win in a battle. Therefore, the most obvious meanings of a tiger tattoo are dominance, strength, and fearlessness, making it a favorite among martial artists. They can also be used to symbolize royalty.
In certain cultures, the dog is seen as a divine creature, so a dog tattoo could be used to represent your devotion to a religion. Since dogs are the most beloved pets on the planet, many people decide to get a dog tattoo in the exact likeness of a loyal and cherished pet who has passed away. This is common among firemen and police officers, as their Dalmatians and German Shepards are viewed as equal co-workers who risk their lives answering the call of duty.
The meaning of a horse tattoo depends largely on its color. A dark horse may represent a contrary or rebellious nature, while a white horse represents chaste purity. Women (and some men) often take the white horse tattoo to a new level by making it a unicorn. The horse tattoo can also represent lust and intelligence.
Another hugely popular animal tattoo is the wolf. In many cultures, the symbol of the wolf carries a negative connotation, but certain societies hold the wolf in the highest esteem. For example, Native Americans view the wolf as a positive spiritual being and will often treat the animal and the symbol with great reverence. The wolf tattoo can also be used to symbolize the personality of a loner – someone who is comfortable keeping their own company and is mostly unconcerned with the opinions of others. While it’s true that some wolves behave like this, it’s important to note that most wolves are sociable and travel in packs.
Though many people assume a snake represents dishonesty or corruption, the truth is that snakes are held in high regard by many cultures of the world. While a snake tattoo can certainly be used to represent a deadly disposition, it can also symbolize wisdom and medicine.
Since it’s the national bird, eagle tattoos are especially popular in America, particularly among past and current members of the armed services. The most common meaning of the eagle for Americans is freedom, although it can also be used to represent the sun or Zeus.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Wonderful Meaning Behind Tattoos For Both Men and Women

By sheer volume, it is quite clear that angel tattoos are quite popular with girls and women. They usually take the form of an angel sitting on a cloud (cherub-like) or of a vindictive angel (like Lucifer the fallen angel). Often they are transfigured entities ( often young men ie Michael from the Bible) who are cascading in light or wearing religious robes, carrying swords and wands. Angels are frequently linked with a higher being or a "god" of some nature and are depicted as being the keepers of man's soul and the preserver of faith and spirituality.
Angels represent higher sentient beings and are above man in Nature's hierarchy. He is given the unenviable task of being man's guardian.The Angel guardian tattoos are also very popular with girls because they are intelligent witty creatures - and perhaps somewhat romantic. They are often represented as spirits that guide us and that add to our personal security in some way.
It is not a well known fact but angel tattoos can equally be used by boys. If you go searching deep enough on the Internet, you can find hundreds of pictures of guardian angels for boys. The most popular place for the tattoo placement, at this time, for a man or boy is on the upper arm or shoulder. For woman it is on the lower body cavity.
As far as real large tattoos are concerned, the winged angel is also seen quite a bit. In some cases, it 's tattooed on the entire back and looks quite elegant, especially with the dark coloring See Here . I, myself, find these rather impressive with their detail and majestic appearance.